Saturday, November 26, 2011

you, in everything

57.  a mirror snapshot of my beautiful little city in the early morning light
58.  disappointments that force me to look to you when I'd been looking elsewhere
59.  a fine-less parking citation reminding me of mercy I don't deserve
60.  being counted worthy of trust
61.  singing and praying with a roomful of people who love Jesus
62.  a friend going out of his way to help me feel safe
63.  the hard questions
64.  smell of old books
65.  snuggly cats
66.  uncontrollable laughter, lurking
67.  a warm bed
68.  snowballs thrown
69.  laughter and constant songs of a friend at work
70.  realizing that one thing I just read lines up with another thing much later-- and that you meant it to
71.  in irritation at a co-worker's constant gripes, suddenly recognizing that I was just doing the very same to you and you love me still
72.  you, making yourself known in my thoughts

Sunday, November 6, 2011

breathe in

44. a daddy who takes my car out to put air in the tires at 11:00 P.M.
45. a Papa in Heaven who loves me even more than my daddy
46. flashes of light filling the dark sky
47. deep breaths
48. baby tummies
49. men's voices singing strong
50. the heaviness of my heart drawing me to you
51. morning sky, so beatiful it steals my breath
52. pumpkin seed-flinging giggles
53. cleaning showers in the dark, a newfound friend with a headlamp alongside
54. God's word speaking to me!
55. sticky-notes smelling unmistakeably of evergreen?
56. conversation with a good friend over dinner